Adelaide Fringe Festival Focus: Naked Ladies

2 February 2016 | 1:29 pm | Artist Submission

"Thea asks tough questions around the naked body through a show and tell of naked ladies through history."

Answered by: Thea Fitz-James

Describe your show in a tweet? "Why do women get naked on stage?" Thea asks tough questions around the naked body through a show and tell of naked ladies through history.

What was the inspiration behind your show? When I told my mom that I sometimes performs naked, she immediately replied: "Women take off their clothes to forget about their fathers." Naked Ladies responds to comments that reduce the female body to either/or, seeking more complex body politics.

Tell us a bit about the creative team working on this project? Thea Fitz-James (performer/writer) and Zoë Erwin-Longstaff (director) are active feminist theatre practitioners from Toronto, Canada. Both do cool weird theatre things in Toronto, and are interested in exploring contemporary feminism though performance, instigating connections with the audience, and sparking conversation.

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What do you love about Fringe and why? Fringe gives people the chance to experiment. Seeing performers think outside the box, and dive into unknown territories and stories is inspiring! You see so many fresh, raw, new works come out of Fringe. Also, the community is ace :)

When and where is your Fringe show? The show is every night, 3 — 8 Mar, at 8.30pm. Super excited to be at Tuxedo Cat, in the Rivers Studio (54 Hyde St).