Stand-up comedy that will make you want to ask if everything's ok.
Give us the elevator pitch for the show:
It's stand-up comedy that will make you want to ask if everything's ok.
When did you first figure out you were funny?
We're still not convinced.
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Where do you get comedy inspiration and how did you develop this show?
We get comedy inspiration from being big dumb idiots¸and we developed this show by perfecting the craft of being a big dumb idiot.
Melbourne is a bit of madhouse during MICF. What's your favourite part about the vibe of the city during the Fest?
We love the vibe (late night food). It's awesome seeing a bunch of creatives gathered in one spot doing what they love and begging people to come to their show. The vibe is indescribable. It feels like we're home.
It's pretty competitive during the fest as well. So, who would you fight at comedy fest fight club and why?
We would rather fight a live bear than a hungry comedian.
Now for some comedy pointers for our readers:
For you, what's the secret to a really great punchline?
A lot of people forget to psychically punch the air. That's important, otherwise it's just a line.
How do you deal with hecklers?
Weep on stage - it asserts your dominance and lets them know that YOU control the room.
Tell us about the first time you bombed on stage, and your top tips for avoiding stage death!
Firstly: how DARE you insinuate we have ever bombed on stage. Secondly: we bomb all the time and it's a part of life. Maddy once bombed trying to do stand-up at an outside venue without a microphone. Frankie once dropped the C-bomb at a charity event and it did not land. Morals of these stories; never go outside, comedy is the real charity.
In five words or less, your ultimate top tip for comedy noobs:
Bomb hard, kill often.
Catch ACT Like A Lady until 22 Mar at Caz Reitop's Dirty Secret in Collingwood, part of the 2018 Melbourne International Comedy Festival