Stores By Starlight

4 September 2012 | 5:15 am | Staff Writer

Five minutes with Candy Royalle.

Name and role: Candy Royalle - writer and performer

Plug your show! Why can't we miss it?

What do you get if you cross three incredible musicians with two subversive burlesque dancers and an award winning performance poet exploring themes from sex to politics? You'll have to come see the show to find out!

Where did the idea for your show come from, how has it evolved?

Stories By Starlight is a collaborative effort between myself, a musical trio called Sloppy Joe, and neo-burlesque beauties Betty Grumble and Ember Flame. We put the show together in six months and we've toured it to Melbourne and Adelaide so far. Every time we perform it, it just gets better and better. It's a high energy, extremely intense experience and so the audience's feedback really enriches each performance.

What have the past few months or so been like in the lead-up to Fringe?

Mental! I've been performing all over the place and gearing up for the fringe as well as gigs I'll be doing straight after it (in Texas, Tasmania, Queensland and a bunch of other places). Now we're really buckling down for rehearsals and the excitement is really starting to kick in!

What inspires you artistically?

People. As a writer and performer I respond to what's happening around me, and the world is in a tumultuous space at the moment but I am always so inspired by how people seek to affect change – as creative beings, activists, or simply individuals who seek to ensure their immediate lives don't contribute to the chaos.

What's the most cringe-worthy thing you've seen on stage?

A performer who spent 10 minutes apologising for how crap their next three minute performance piece was going to be. By the time they actually performed, they had totally alienated the audience.

What other shows are you looking forward to at this year's Fringe?

There is so much good stuff on, it's incredible! Too many to list here!

What excites you about being involved in the Sydney Fringe 2012?

How dynamic and exciting Sydney arts becomes during the fringe.

WHEN & WHERE: Monday 3 September to Thursday 27 September, Red Rattler