Location: United Kingdom
Doctor Who is a British science fiction television series broadcast by the BBC since 1963. The series, created by Sydney Newman, C. E. Webber, and Donald Wilson, depicts the adventures of an extraterrestrial being called the Doctor, part of a humanoid species called Time Lords. The Doctor travels in the universe and in time using a time travelling spaceship called the TARDIS, which externally appears as a British police box. While travelling, the Doctor works to save lives and liberate oppressed peoples by combating foes. The Doctor often travels with companions.
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Grab your sonic screwdrivers.
The lauded actress will make her debut at Supanova next month
The veteran heavy musician will be heard in this weekend's episode, 'Under The Lake'
Build us a TARDIS so it can be November already
The British actress is apparently taking up a lead role in an ITV series about Queen Victoria
It's about time.
Hello again, sweetie
The prolific creative will be joined by one of the show's special effects teams as special guests of the event
Neve McIntosh Is Doctor Who's Lizard Queen