Album Review: Veronica Falls - Waiting For Something To Happen

18 February 2013 | 8:23 am | Dominique Wall

Waiting For Something To Happen is pure pop heaven.

More Veronica Falls More Veronica Falls

Even though Veronica Falls' debut self-titled album was an impressive effort, it was also a little inconsistent with regard to musical styles, so it's good to see (or hear, to be more accurate) that the London quartet's second album, Waiting For Something To Happen, is a far more cohesive affair. From the album opener, Tell Me, to its closer, Last Conversation, this record reveals a band that have found their sound and are happy to revel in the joy of unabashed jangly guitar pop goodness. More importantly, it is an extremely consistent effort, even on the slower songs, thanks to the solid songwriting. Even though two singles – My Heart Beats and Teenage – have already been released, they are certainly spoilt for choice for future singles, with pretty much every song being a contender. The band have managed to produce a record that does not falter once, and given that there are 13 tracks in all, that is no mean feat.

Guitarist and lead vocalist Roxanne Clifford's vocals are effectively accompanied by guitarist James Hoare and drummer Patrick Doyle. What is most notable about Clifford's vocals is that while they are very sweet for the most part, she is able to toughen up when needed (see: So Tired). It can be difficult to pick a couple of notable tracks with such a strong tracklist, however, mention must be made of Daniel, which is the most mellow and pared back song on offer. While that in itself is nothing particularly worthy of singling out, it is the fact that despite these differences, it does not impact on the momentum carried by the preceding 11 tracks.

Waiting For Something To Happen is pure pop heaven.