Live Review: Kllo, Fortunes, Shouse

4 October 2016 | 1:18 pm | Seraphine Charpentier Andre

"Kllo are about to take over the world."


What a happy-yet-melancholic grand final day it is at The Gasometer Hotel! For tomorrow, Kllo fly away to new horizons and ears in Europe and the US. For this farewell party, the band Shouse (made up of members from The Harpoons, IO and Habits) open the show with their sometimes aggressive, sometimes deliciously jazzy house music and classical electronic dance music. Towards the end of the performance, the members invite a saxophonist on stage. The combination of electro and jazz is not revolutionary but, hell! It works well.

Time for the well-known duo of Fortunes to take up the torch. Unsurprisingly, as soon as the first R&B notes and soul accents resonate, the audience dances and people try to sneak into the front row. The duo introduces a quite interesting and effective new version of their track Focus, a song that combines dark R&B accents with Conor McCabe's high vocals.

The room is full to the brim when Kllo (aka Chloe Kaul and Simon Lam) perform their first piece. Don't Be The One from their last (and beautiful) EP Well Worn is a standout. After this introduction featuring floating vocals, dark R&B and electro accents, Kaul addresses the audience: ''All we can say is, 'Holy shit!' Thank you so much, guys. We are leaving tomorrow for London and this is crazy.''  Then, the duo moves onto False Calls, the first song the duo ever recorded. ''Without this song, there would be no Kllo,'' says Kaul. A cheerful, powerful vibe settles quickly in the room; people dance upstairs, downstairs, on the stairs... The track Walls To Build mesmerises the crowd thanks to Kaul's velvet voice. In the venue, people hug and embrace, making this a true farewell party. Cheers erupt as the first samples of their hit Bolide are recognised. Armed with talent, charisma and passion, Kllo are about to take over the world.