Album Review: White Hex - Gold Nights

26 June 2014 | 12:28 pm | Brendan Telford

From the great opener Only A Game to the stalking Sisters and the Liars-esque Burberry Congo, Gold Nights remains a bewitching listen.

Jimi Kritzler and Tara Green have fully embraced Italo disco with a sinuous underbelly on second release Gold Nights. A half hour of sultry, ticking guitar lines, synth and beats that shake and shudder, just erring on the right side of cheese – clearly dark European touchstones – are burnt deeply into the duo's DNA. Green's vocal austerity takes even stronger focus here, a detached siren that equates nonchalance, disdain and vacancy in a tempered performance. From the great opener  Only A Game to the stalking Sisters and the Liars-esque Burberry Congo, Gold Nights remains a bewitching listen.

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