Album Review: Liars - Mess

16 April 2014 | 12:02 pm | Brendan Telford

"Liars have continually subverted genre, expectation and taste to carve out a truly unique niche within the music landscape."

More Liars More Liars

Liars have continually subverted genre, expectation and taste to carve out a truly unique niche within the music landscape. Mess, their seventh album, continues both this sonically reactionary trend and to further the electronic bent they tentatively toyed with on 2012's WIXIW. Apart from single, Mess On A Mission, and the beautifully soft Can't Hear Well, there isn't a track that truly stands out on its own here. But the incredibly dense menace that pervades the second half of the album is much stronger than the electroclash elements up front. Not that they care what I think.