Answered by: Monique Angele Nadeau
When did you start making music and why? I started writing my own songs about four years ago. I was studying opera and classical music at the time and decided creating my own music was my calling.
Sum up your musical sound in four words? Pop piano, operatic vocals.
If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Probably Magical Mystery Tour by The Beatles. It was the first popular music album I owned and I'll never forget how impressed and moved I was listening to it for the first time.
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Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? Probably performing my debut EP show in Toronto, Canada. It was a big crowd and the first EP of my original songs.
Why should people come and see your band? People should come see me because my music is different and it leaves a big impression on people.
When and where are your next gigs? 12 Mar, The Brunswick Hotel; 24 Mar, Farouk's Olive; 22 April, Open Studio.
Website link for more info?