WAMCon Focus: Zac Abroms

31 October 2016 | 1:50 pm | Artist Submission

Organisation: Viceroyalty/Face The Music/Maroochy Music & Visual Arts Festival - Director, Co-Programmer, Talent Coordinator

How did you first become involved in the music business and how did you end up where you are today? I started out promoting indie rock'n'roll gigs in Melbourne in my uni days and I've been hustling to pay the bills with music ever since.

What's been the biggest change in the music business you've seen over the past 12 months? Music listeners flocking to streaming services such as Spotify in droves and the mass extinction of independent music blogs. 

What do you think will be the biggest issue affecting the music industry in the next 12 months and why? I think the vitally important conversations around inclusivity and accessibility across many aspects of music as well as the promotion of gender and cultural diversity will see vast changes ripple throughout the industry.

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What advice would you give young practitioners in your area starting out today? Regardless of what you do strive to create a solid brand that people will connect with in a meaningful way.

What will you be primarily discussing during your appearance at the WAMCon? I'm excited to talk about how social media, smartphones and contemporary consumer behaviour has broken down the barriers and fundamentally changed the artist/fan dynamic. 

What are you hoping that people will be able to learn from your panel/interview? I like to make a point at these things to try and leave audiences with practical take-home knowledge that can ideally contribute to them having a rich and sustainable career in music.

What do you personally hope to take away from your time at WAMCon? A sun tan? A hand clap credit on a Kevin Parker side project? Loads of new friends and contacts. A playlist full of killer Perth musical discoveries. New ideas! 

Which acts are you most looking forward to checking out at WAMFest? It's been a little while between drinks for me and Perth, so I'm looking to get reacquainted with the scene but Tobacco Rat and Lucy Peach are both doing it for me.