WAMCon Focus: John Chavez

28 October 2016 | 4:03 pm | Artist Submission

Organisation: Ground Control Touring - Vice President

How did you first become involved in the music business and how did you end up where you are today? I started as a musician, and when that path didn't work out I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to focus on the business side of the industry instead. 

What's been the biggest change in the music business you've seen over the past 12 months? In the US touring market we have a glut of touring bands and not enough venues and fans to support all of them.

What do you think will be the biggest issue affecting the music industry in the next 12 months and why? I think the decline of the large-scale festival will have the biggest impact on the touring industry. 

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What advice would you give young practitioners in your area starting out today? Practice, practice, practice and play as many shows as possible.

What will you be primarily discussing during your appearance at the WAMCon? The ins and outs of the North American touring industry.

What are you hoping that people will be able to learn from your panel/interview? I hope to give a bit of perspective into the challenges facing bands breaking into the US market from a touring perspective.

What do you personally hope to take away from your time at WAMCon? I am excited to spend a few days in Perth meeting new folks and seeing new bands. This is my first trip to Australia and to spend it on the West Coast is very exciting.

Which acts are you most looking forward to checking out at WAMFest? To be quite honest, I haven't given the schedule a deep dive yet but I will soon.

When and where is your panel/interview? Tribal Call — Why Do Subcultures Persist? - details TBC; 5 Nov, Highway To The Dangerzone: Tales From The Road, Studio Underground; The US Of (Y)AY — details TBC