WAM Festival: Rob Nassif

5 November 2014 | 10:50 am | Staff Writer

Rob Nassif

Rob Nassif

Business/Position: The Hen House Rehearsal Studios, Owner; Gyroscope, Drummer

Tell us about how you first become involved in the music business and where you are now? I became involved through music with my band Gyroscope. We have been going for 18 years now. Lots of incredible highs and lows along the way. But most of all its been an amazing adventure that I would encourage everyone to pursue. I am now also the owner of The Hen House Rehearsal Studios and I try my best to impart some wisdom with the bands who rehearse at my studio. I love nothing more than seeing the next generation of Perth bands succeed.

Is this your first WA Music Conference? Gyroscope has played at a whole bunch of the WAM Spectaculars and I have attended a number of the WAM music conferences over the years. I have always been really big on educating myself and the keynote speakers and panels are always great to go along to. If you can get out to some of the panels I’d highly recommend it. This is a great chance for Perth bands to get in front of some east coast industry figures.

What will you be primarily discussing during your appearance at the WA Music Conference, and why is this area important? I’ll be part of the panel discussing ‘success’ in the music industry. I have some pretty interesting views on this and will be talking about some of the victories as well as failures along the way in Gyroscope’s career. I’ll also talk about some of the things that hold bands back in achieving success that I have learnt from dealing with so many bands down at The Hen House.

What are you expecting to take away from your WAM Festival visit? Looking forward to checking out Pat Chow, Tired Lion and Mt Mountain. Also excited to see Scalphunter live! Heard lots of great things. I’ll also be filling in on drums playing with Graphic Characters at the Saturday Spectacular which will be fun.

One piece of advice to help others succeed in the music industry? Find the right people to make and create music with. If you and your bandmates are all on the same page and willing to work as hard as each other you’ll find it’s much easier achieving your goals.