Keep Sydney Open Announces New Political Party

5 June 2018 | 8:47 am | Staff Writer

Contesting at the 2019 NSW state election.

Keep Sydney Open has today announced its official registration as a state political party, where it will contest in both houses of Parliament at the 2019 NSW state election. 

The effort was achieved after a six-month campaign by the anti-lockouts organisation, which has hosted a number of successful rallies and festivals throughout the city over the last two years.

"This is bigger than a rally — way bigger," spokesperon Tyson Koh said.

"By putting lockout laws on the ballot of next year’s election, people now have a real choice and a course of action to rescind these laws, wind back the ‘nanny state’ and build a 24-hour city.

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"For more than over four years, our group has represented every person who believes that lockout laws were a knee-jerk reaction. We see with our own eyes that these laws have devastated the both the night- time economy and reputation of what was once a vibrant international city."

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Koh continued, "We all know that Sydney is a magical place, but the magic has been missing for some time.

"People now recognise that the NSW Government is largely responsible for this.

"We advocate for a suite of interventions across transport, law enforcement, public health, creative industries, licensing and planning. An approach that respects data, expertise, genuine consultation, transparency and good governance will have a great impact on the day-time economy too.

"In short, we want to be proud of Sydney again."

Check out the Keep Sydney Open website for more details.

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