Jess Ribeiro Launches Crowdfunding Campaign To Help Her Get To SXSW

8 January 2018 | 3:36 pm | Staff Writer

Ever wanted your tarot read by Jess Ribeiro?

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SXSW 2018 is looming on the horizon and tickets to Texas don’t run cheap which is why singer/songwriter Jess Ribeiro is turning to her fans to help her hop across the pond.

Ribeiro has launched a Pozible campaign in the hopes of getting her and her band to their SXSW showcase and performance at Canadian Music Week. While Ribeiro has estimated that the cost of the trip will top $50,000, she’s set her campaign goal at $10,000 which will go towards flights and assist in accommodation costs.

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The Melbourne artist is offering up some sweet rewards in exchange for support including signed EP’s, songwriting workshops and personalised tarot readings.

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SXSW’s music program is touted as one of the biggest music industry showcases in the world and is notorious for breaking Australian artists internationally. Ribeiro has been invited to the festival to share material from her latest album which is due out in Australia in mid 2018.