BIGSOUND Opens Applications For Visual Arts Contributors & Showcase

21 April 2017 | 10:11 am | Staff Writer

The annual event is expanding its horizons beyond the purely musical

Pic via BIGSOUND website

Pic via BIGSOUND website

Brisbane's yearly industry mecca BIGSOUND is broadening its horizons beyond its expanded calendar and massive monetary prize in 2017, throwing open the gates for expressions of interest from visual artists to either showcase or contribute to this year's event.

The BIGSOUND Public Art Showcase is an open call for Australian artists of all disciplines wanting to exhibit existing works over the course of the event this September, with both public and venue spaces available.

Successful artists will have the costs of transport and installation of their artwork covered by BIGSOUND, as well as be granted delegate passes (worth $670) to allow them free rein to rub shoulders with potential collaborators in the music industry. All featured artworks will also be documented on this year's BIGSOUND website.

If you're interested in showcasing, let Festival Producer Jonny Ruddy know ( by Friday 30 June.

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To become a part of the festival design team — a group of up to 10 artists working under Splendour In The Grass' Senior Creative Manager, Janne Scott — to create new artwork specifically for BIGSOUND, you'll need to fill out the online application form by midnight on Sunday 7 May.

Artists of all disciplines are welcome here too, including animation, design, digital media, interactive, architecture, installation and performance.

Further eligibility criteria for the design team include being a resident of south-east Queensland, available to attend workshops on 4, 5 and 29 July, be flexibly available to work on the production and delivery of artworks between 31 July and 5 September, having a compelling portfolio of existing work, and able to convince the selectors that you've got an awesome idea up your sleeve for what you could contribute to the event.

Successful applicants will be paid a minimum $500 fee as well as receiving a full pass to BIGSOUND and due credit on the festival's website.

For more information about either becoming a part of the festival design team or submitting your work for showcasing, see BIGSOUND's website.