The Kills Frontwoman Alison Mosshart Played Last Night's Show While Sick As Hell

27 July 2016 | 4:05 pm | Staff Writer

What. A. Trooper

More The Kills More The Kills

We already knew that The Kills' vocalist Alison Mosshart was a badass, but we didn't realise how much so until discovering that she commendably played the band's show at Sydney's Enmore Theatre last night while apparently fighting off one bastard of an illness.

Despite showing no signs of ailment at all — our reviewer lauded both Mosshart and her collaborator Jamie Hince for their "undulating and foreboding grace", "raw, almost animal" power and "undeniable" stage presence — it turns out that Mosshart was at least struggling a little bit, contending with a 102-degree-Fahrenheit (about 38.9 degrees) fever, and a whole mess of respiratory and auditory infections, no doubt helped along at least partially by their experience at Splendour In The Grass this past weekend (hey, it can be a rough few days).

Mosshart let her fans know of her troubles on Instagram, explaining she landed with a "102 fever, blocked ears, double ear infection, chest and sinus infection", but was clearly not overly troubled by the ailment — despite her sickness, Mosshart said that she "loved" the gig at the Enmore, "[e]ven though I couldn't hear it".

Alison Mosshart, we salute you. You are a better person than most of the rest of us, 99% of whom have probably called in sick because it was just a bit too warm outside that day and we simply couldn't be arsed getting out of bed.

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Um, not that that's ever happened with anyone at this job ever, bosses who are reading this.

Either way, there's no rest for the weary as The Kills have tonight (27 July) to recover before diving right back in to their travels and performances, with a pair of shows lined up in New Zealand this week before they head to Europe and then to the United States.

Godspeed, The Kills. Stay well and rock hard.