Amazing New App Lets You Turn Your Humming Into Sheet Music

16 March 2016 | 4:34 pm | Staff Writer

Damn, this is cool

Brand new app Hum On! has revolutionised the world of mobile music creation as we know it, by taking a line of hums into a mobile phone speaker and transforming it into a digital song, complete with sheet music and notation. 

Ah, what a world we live in!

Debuted at SXSW this week by Samsung, the app even allows people to edit the pitch, note lengths and phrases, as well change the style of the song by swapping instruments and genre. For example, you can hum a rap song into the app to have it turn the song into a ballad or lullaby. 

Hum On! also lets users post their song on social media after finishing it, so musos who are writing songs on the go can instantly share a new idea with their band in seconds.

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Possibly the coolest thing since GarageBand, although Hum On! is still in beta, it's a really exciting development for music lovers everywhere.