This Cheez TV Comeback May Be Much More Than Just Old Videos On Facebook

2 February 2016 | 5:43 pm | Staff Writer

It's a brave new world, and Jade & Ryan don't even need you now, Channel Ten

If you were of pretty much any school age between the years of 1995 and 2004, you might have noticed the growing wave of resurgent interest surrounding then-popular early-morning kids' show Cheez TV of late — and you might be excited to know that it doesn't look like it's about to ease up any time soon.

Appearing on 2DayFM's Rove & Sam this morning with Rove McManus and Sam Frost, former show hosts Ryan Lappin and Jade Gatt waxed nostalgic about their time on Cheez TV, explained a bit about what they're up to — and even hinted that there may be a future for the show, in some form, yet.

First, a bit of context: in late January, an 'official' Facebook page popped up, ostensibly manned by the now-very-adult young scamps who made so many of us late for so many buses with their antics and idiotic time slot for Dragonball Z. The boys have since informed us all that, having located a wealth of old production tapes (literal video tapes) in Lappin's garage, they had contracted the assistance of the makers of Aussie Simpsons podcast Four Finger Discount to help bring the old VHSes into the digital age by putting the videos on the fledgling page.


WATCH: Dick Wadd & The Muffin Man! (March, 25th, 2002)

Posted by Cheez TV on Monday, February 1, 2016
Bask in the glory and remember how grea-- actually... this one is kind of terrible. 

Cut to a week and a bit later, following breathless articles from pop-culture outlets such as BuzzFeed and Pedestrian, as well as less breathless but still respectful coverage from the likes of News Corp and Nine News, and it seems that everyone is well and truly in thrall to memories of pre-schoolday cartoons and N64 giveaways, and just marvelling at the fact they ever got the character name "Dick Wadd" past the censors for children's breakfast programming. Man, it was a different time.

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On Rove & Sam today, an overly excited McManus (come on, guy, you were 21 when they first went on air, let's be real about your investment in this) pressed the pair about whether they'd heard anything from old station Channel Ten about a potential revival.

Although Gatt offered up a tongue-in-cheek "Not yet; not yet," McManus pushed forward and basically provided the pair with a solution of their own, telling them, "You could exist online! You don't even need old-school TV any more! You could be Cheez Online!"

"That's what we're thinking," Lappin returned.

"I suppose … what with all the interest in it, Jade and I have sort of decided, 'Come on, let's get back to it; let's do something,' so we're going to be appearing at this Melbourne bar, right, which is called Beta Bar; there's like a thousand people there, and we're booked two nights [to play cartoons there] — we're just gonna do that!"  he continued, amid feigned incredulity from McManus.

"We're gonna do a podcast too," Lappin continued. "We're gonna do all that stuff, and Jade and Ryan are going to be back, baby!"

It may not just be hot air, either — prior to their appearance with McManus & Frost, a post appeared on the Cheez TV Facebook page cryptically promising that something called The Jade & Ryan Show is coming — whether that refers to their touted podcast or something else entirely, we're totally fine with this development.

See the full video via 2DayFM below.


Stay tuned ;) - J&R

Posted by Cheez TV on Monday, February 1, 2016