Sydney Festival Names First Productions On 2016 Program

4 August 2015 | 7:24 pm | Staff Writer

A glimpse of what to expect

Sydney Festival has given punters a taste of what to expect from next year's event by revealing two productions on the bill.

The first of two falls outside of the festival’s January dates, but will accompany the October launch and puts a new spin on a classic tale.

Developed by Nobel prize winner Toni Morrison, singer-songwriter Rokia Traore and revered stage director Peter Sellars, Desdemona gives a new spin to Shakespeare’s Othello

The second production is the festival’s centrepiece, Woyzeck, and comes from booming German theatre company Thalia Theater Hamburg.

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The raw theatrical experience draws on a 19th century German vibe and makes its Australian debut at Thalia Theater under director Jette Steckel, with a new and exciting take on the Robert Wilson, Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan adaptation of Woyzeck created in Copenhagen in 2000.

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