Tyler, The Creator's Fans Out To 'Destroy' Aussie Activist Over Non-Existent 'Ban'

28 July 2015 | 11:41 am | Staff Writer

Well, that escalated quickly

Tyler, The Creator

Tyler, The Creator

More Tyler, The Creator More Tyler, The Creator

It's days like today that can really make a person hate the internet: fans of US entertainer Tyler, The Creator are threatening to "destroy" an Australian activist over a ban from the country that doesn't even (yet) exist.

First, Tyler claimed on Twitter that he had been "banned" from entering Australia for his forthcoming tour of the country, due to go down this September, ostensibly due to a petition started by feminist activist group Collective Shout, singling out the group's director of operations, Coralie Alison, in the process.

The petition, addressed to Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, follows Collective Shout's 2013 campaign against Tyler and a successful rally across the ditch to have him banned from performing in New Zealand. The document once again highlights what the group says are "misogynistic", "homophobi[c]" and "discriminatory" lyrics across the rapper's body of work, claiming that the offensive lyrics fall outside the scope of acceptability for a visa applicant.

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Once Tyler had posted about Alison's "win", Twitter and Instagram responses turned ugly (and we mean ugly) almost instantly, with one fan post in particular, which called for Tyler's fans to "please destroy" Alison, gaining Collective Shout's attention when they erroneously pointed to it as having been written by Tyler himself (which, no, it was not):

However, amid this entire mess is the overlooked but very important fact that Tyler, The Creator hasn't actually been banned from the country at this stage, nor has the tour been cancelled. According to a statement sent to The Music by promoters Frontier Touring:

“With respect to media reports that Tyler, The Creator’s visa has been refused, Frontier would like to advise that this is not the case. The department for immigration has raised issues with the visa application but it has not been refused and Frontier will update ticket holders as soon as more information comes to hand."

Maybe Tyler should've checked that before singling out a critic and glibly mourning Golden Gaytimes and triple j on social media. Either way, if you were planning on attending one of Tyler's shows this September, it's still full steam ahead — for now, anyway. See theGuide or The Music App for details.