Brand New Officially Unveil New Track, 'Mene'

14 April 2015 | 10:17 am | Staff Writer

The Long Island vets have put their first new work in six years up for free download at their website

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US alt-rock comeback kids Brand New have released a high-quality, official version of their first new song in six years, now known to be titled Mene, unveiling the track on their revamped website overnight and offering it up for free download.

Following the online surfacing of fan-shot footage of the track being played live last week, which saw the song dubbed Don't Feel Anything based on the internet's best guess, the band have relaunched their website as the latest step in their resurgence after also having cleared and restarted their Instagram account.

Have a listen to Mene, which is looking more and more like the first taste of the band's eagerly awaited fifth studio full-length, below.


There's not just the new album for fans to look forward to, however, with the band recently confirming that they will finally be officially releasing the infamous 2005 "Fight Off Your Demons" demos, the leak of which caused the band to scrap work on their then-forthcoming third LP, which eventually took shape with an almost entirely new set of songs (with some melodic hangovers from the demos) as the acclaimed The Devil & God Are Raging Inside Me. Only one of the demos — at the time known as Untitled #7 — has received a remastered release to date: 2007's (Fork & Knife).

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Mene is available for free download for a limited time from Brand New's website.