Another winner from the crew at Postmodern Jukebox
It's now a few days into 2015, so if you are still unaware of who Postmodern Jukebox are, you are unfortunately officially behind the 8-ball.
But, even if that is the case, don't feel too bad — it's never too late to get on board with the talented pack of musos who found their niche reimagining the songs of yore in disparate styles for YouTube's entertainment, so why not start with their most recent offering, a rambunctious, 1930s-style jazz cover of Fountains Of Wayne's 2003 Grammy-nominated(!!!) single Stacy's Mom? It even features an impressive little instrument swap, feat. melodica solo, before descending into a scat-dappled, power-driven final chorus. Fuck yes.
There, isn't your day immeasurably better for knowing that this exists? If it isn't, try to love yourself a bit more, yeah? It is a new year, after all, so if there was ever a time for careless abandon and vintage-style single remakes, it's right now.
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