Watch The (Drunk) History Of Fall Out Boy

26 December 2014 | 10:51 am | Staff Writer

As told by an exceedingly smashed Brendon Urie

"Less than a score ago..."

"Less than a score ago..."

More Fall Out Boy More Fall Out Boy

Pop-punk-whatever-they-are-now rockers Fall Out Boy have released their very own Drunk History-style recount of the formation and life of their band, as told by a tremendously inebriated Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco.

Unveiled overnight as the final "gift" in the "12 Days of FOB" festivities celebrating January's forthcoming release of new LP American Beauty/American Psycho, the clip is surprising on a couple of fronts — namely, it's well produced, unexpectedly insightful and actually pretty funny. Highlights include Urie's impression of vocalist Patrick Stump's singing, the prominent featuring of the band's old hairstyles and his ruminations on bassist Pete Wentz's dick-pic scandal and penchant for make-up.

If you're unfamiliar with Drunk History, the show is a web-born, Comedy Central-grown documentary comedy that sees host Derek Waters travel to cities around the United States to get people super-trashed and then have them talk about history while their drunken narration is overlaid on footage of a re-enactment. So it is here, where Urie gets in the storytelling frame of mind by downing "shots of Coldcock whiskey … Jameson … Glenlivet Scotch … Numerous beers throughout the day … Numerous beers chugged before the shots and a vodka/Red Bull from [FOB guitarist] Joe Trohman" before the band acts out his laboured retelling.

Brush up on your History According To Brendon Urie, brought to you by drinking, below.

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Fall Out Boy perform at Soundwave 2015 next year. See our Festivals hub for more information.

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