Aussie Band Named NME’s Buzz Act Of The Week

8 May 2014 | 2:34 pm | Staff Writer

Yes, they have Brit-pop influences

Sydney inner-west darlings DMA's have been named the 'buzz band of the week' by influential British music rag NME this week.

Having exploded since signing a record deal and releasing an acclaimed EP, their Brit-pop influences haven't been lost on the UK mag – who spend a lot of their time chasing news leads about a possible Oasis tour.

Describing them as fellow Brit-pop-influenced Aussie exports Jagwar Ma's “best mates”, they praise lead single Delete, where they “wear their Oasis influences on their sleeve with Gallagher-esque vocals.”

EP track Feels Like 37 “also boasts that Mancunian spirit but lends it with an Antipodean sheen of fizzing garage-pop riffs that swelter with the same sun-drenched aura as Splashh," according to the print magazine.

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DMA's are touring the EP throughout May (dates below in theGuide), while they recently delivered one of the best in-studio live performance videos we've seen from a young band in ages. Emerging artists and managers take note.