Album Review: Spoon - Hot Thoughts

14 March 2017 | 9:52 am | Adam Wilding

"... As if every song was meant to be as and where it is."

Spoon have never shied away from high quality songwriting, and album number nine is no exception. It's that deft ear for a subtle hook and meaningful arrangements that keeps the indie Austin natives so interesting.

The band's well-tested slow-burn formula on tracks such as WhisperI'lllistentohearit and Pink Up are a joy, and Britt Daniel's ever-reliable croon is still at front and back of everything. Where other Spoon albums may have suffered marginally from filler, there is an indiscernible drive that keeps Hot Thoughts ticking along at a not-too-fast-but-not-too-slow pace; nothing sounds contrived, it's as if every song was meant to be as and where it is.

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