Album Review: Anohni - Paradise

14 March 2017 | 2:25 pm | Christopher H James

"Anohni can still say more in six songs than many others can squeeze into a career."

More Anohni More Anohni

As the widescreen brilliance, and timeliness, of Anohni's 2016 opus Hopelessness gradually dawns on the world, this EP is enough to keep the pot warm with unquenched rage.

While Paradise was also the name of Anohni's 2012 art show in Melbourne, these six tracks feature some new songs and offcuts that have already become staples in her live show. Electronic heavyweights Hudson Mohawke and Oneohtrix Point Never again tackle production duties. Their presence is at its strongest on the title cut, as they contribute waves of earthquake bass and synths that sing like distressed whales; earning themselves a writing credit each in the process.

Anohni remains as unafraid of confrontation as ever; Jesus Will Kill You's title alone will probably cause a barney on the outrage bus. Keyboard warriors should take note, though, that it's not so much an anti-Christian tirade; more a bloody condemnation of right-wing legislators, in particular those who've justified blood-/oil-thirsty campaigns in the Middle East by invoking His name. While there's nothing here as devastating, or indeed apocalyptic, as 4 Degrees or Drone Bomb Me, Anohni can still say more in six songs than many others can squeeze into a career.

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