Album Review: The Meeting Tree - I Was Born A Baby And I'll Die A Baby

28 July 2016 | 7:30 pm | James d'Apice

"What a legacy."

If pranksters The Meeting Tree are to believed, this is the last we'll hear from them. What a legacy.

First Place Pt. 4 is a reminder of Raph's and Joyride's command of pop music tropes. You Shouldn't Have Lost The Bag, I Shouldn't Have Lost My Temper is a searing banger. Spoken world closer The Meeting Tree is the EP's apex. It's an overindulgent, overlong, semi-autobiographical skit. It has no right to be enjoyable. "Do you know how hard it is to pretend to take irony seriously…?" Joyride asks as it winds down. Perhaps we never will. But for a moment, The Meeting Tree made us feel like it didn't matter. Vale.