Album Review: Nails - You Will Never Be One Of Us

8 June 2016 | 4:16 pm | Mark Hebblewhite

"Unless something pretty special comes along, this will be the finest heavy album of 2016."

Not sure why Nail frontman Todd Jones is so pissed off, but if he keeps churning out this gloriously inhuman noise you hope to hell he never finds inner peace.

You Will Never Be One Of Us takes everything good from their previous Unsilent Death and Abandon All Life LPs and distils it down further into a 21-minute unrelenting fist to the face. A series of quick-fire powerviolence missives culminates in an eight-minute sprawling nightmare (They Come Crawling Back), whose malevolence just leaves the listener wanting more. Unless something pretty special comes along, this will be the finest heavy album of 2016.