Album Review: Beth Orton - Kidsticks

19 May 2016 | 3:53 pm | Mac McNaughton

"Kidsticks is over just as it's getting started."

More Beth Orton More Beth Orton

It's a good 20 years since Beth Orton became the go-to gal for the likes of The Chemical Brothers and William Orbit to lend classy, hippie-ish vibes to their early records, and on her seventh solo album, she's back to kissing the more psychedelic lights of her past.

'Folktronica' is out the window. Instead, we get Snow — a schoolyard round sung through a Four Tet kaleidoscope and Moon's wide-eyed wonder raving into the early hours with meaty production. However almost every song is cut a good minute or two short and Kidsticks is over just as it's getting started.