Album Review: Tindersticks - The Waiting Room

15 January 2016 | 12:21 pm | Chris Familton

"The Waiting Room is easily the equal of their finest work."

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Tindersticks have travelled their own considered career trajectory with intermittent suspensions of activity and then a return to active duty, always with the same ear for detail in their nuanced and ornate, soulful baroque-pop music.

The Waiting Room is yet another excellent entry to their discography. It's measured and draws on found sounds, field recordings, guest vocalists, jazz, post-rock, pastoral psychedelia and just the right amount of avant garde atmospherics. Stuart Staples' voice is the crooning, crowning glory as always, yet, essentially, the band provide the perfect cinematic backdrop for his poised and considered lyrics. The Waiting Room is easily the equal of their finest work.