Album Review: YACHT - I Thought The Future Would Be Cooler

9 October 2015 | 12:48 pm | Roshan Clerke

"The electronic project have been fully committed to exploring the concept of the future for a number of albums."


The technological world around us may be growing increasingly obsolete, but YACHT are sounding more relevant than ever.

Jona Bechtolt and Claire L Evans couldn't have come from anywhere except Portland, really; the acronym standing for Young Americans Challenging High Technology, the two main eccentric figureheads of the electronic project have been fully committed to exploring the concept of the future for a number of albums. I Thought The Future Would Be Cooler shines with their slickest production yet, as opener Miles & Miles explodes out of the speakers like a stuttering spaceship. It's thematically overburdened, but Matter and the title track achieve transcendence from the album's sincere but often heavy-handed message through their sheer catchiness.