Album Review: Ghostpoet - Shedding Skin

5 March 2015 | 11:09 am | Christopher H James

"Ghostpoet version 2.0 is a revolution, but the beta release might be the keeper."

More Ghostpoet More Ghostpoet

Shedding Skin is an appropriate title as it uncovers a whole new side to Obaro “Ghostpoet” Ejimiwe.

Stepping away from the grimy London streets stagnant with economic depression and resentment, album number three features a balance of light and shade. Ghostpoet’s patented old-man-at-a-bus-stop mumble is cleared up significantly and the whole shebang has much more of live feel. Ejimiwe’s personal sounding lyrics take new, almost optimistic, directions, however in amongst a handful of crackers there’s some slightly awkward moments. Ghostpoet version 2.0 is a revolution, but the beta release might be the keeper.