Album Review: Feed Her To The Sharks - Fortitude

5 February 2015 | 9:35 am | Brendan Crabb

"They need the intestinal fortitude to truly be themselves."

More Feed Her To The Sharks More Feed Her To The Sharks

Bar a few acts tweaking the formula, this type of melodic metalcore nowadays seems not just tired, but exhausted.

These Melburnians’ third album, all searing riffs and electro touches, was impeccably recorded by Swedish mastermind Fredrik Nordström. Singer Andrew Vanderzalm is full of gusto, even when attempting to make Badass’s posturing palatable. Mosh-starting bounce and some memorable choruses (Shadow Of Myself) aside, a distinctive identity remains elusive. Opener, The World Is Yours could initially be mistaken for I Killed The Prom Queen, such is its facsimile-like presentation. They need the intestinal fortitude to truly be themselves.