
15 April 2015 | 4:30 pm | Staff Writer

Can you give us a tweet-length summary of your show? It’s a show about turning 40, divorce, dating, sex, death, marriage, being a daughter, a friend, not having kids, and not being a cougar.

How do you unwind after a show? Either of two extremes: hang out all night with friends until 5am drinking wine, or go home alone, drink tea, light incense and read fashion magazines.

Do you have any topics you avoid making jokes about? Yes. But not because I’m some moral compass, but because I haven’t found a way to make my political opinions funny. Oh, and I don’t joke about other people’s shortcomings. Mine are funnier.

Is there anyone else in the festival you’re hanging out to see? I hope I have time but if I do I want to see Dave Anthony, Kirsty Mac, Noel Fielding, Daniel Sloss, Josie Long, Gen Fricker.

Website link for more info?