About Us

TheMusic.com.au is Australia's most respected source for music news, interviews, reviews and more, as well as the custodian of the past, present and future of Australian music. 

Our historical roots in street press titles Drum Media, Inpress, Time Off, Drum Perth and 3D World have told the stories of music's biggest stars alongside great Australian artists, albums and gigs across all corners of Australia week in and week out for generations of music lovers. 

TheMusic.com.au is the home of Australia's most depended-on gig guide, the music industry's most relied-upon radio charts and music fans' most respected source for music journalism. 

The breeding ground for some of Australia's most iconic writers and industry identities and the breaking point for Australian music's hottest new acts, street press is an essential piece of the Australian music scene's heart that lives on in TheMusic.com.au.

In 2023, TheMusic.com.au reaches over 400,000 people each month across our web and social platforms. We have the largest Australian audience of any music-specific website and reach over 50,000 people every day through our popular daily newsletter.