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Tonight’s gig has its moments, but it could have been so much more had Astbury focused on delivering a killer vocal performance instead of relying on the audience to inspire him.
Finale Black Label causes GA to explode, with crowd surfers everywhere and a chaotic mass of heaving bodies jumping in one final burst of energy. It’s a fitting end to a fantastic double bill that leaves the crowd sweaty, exhausted and satisfied.
They leave nothing in reserve and after a wall of feedback and epic final song Utrydd dei Svake, Kvelertak leave the satiated crowd to file out with battered senses and ringing ears.
It’s good, and the majority of the crowd lap up every moment with fanatical appreciation, but a few glaring flaws prevent it from being the standout historic performance it could have and really should have been.
They‘re not only every bit as vital and relevant as they were in the earlier part of their career, but also still pushing the boundaries and producing some of their best work.
Deftones are in the best form of their career right now and tonight they show everyone firsthand why they’re one of the most talented and original sounding rock bands around.
Tonight’s show is a triumphant and long overdue return.
Overall, this is another brilliant performance by an extremely talented band.
Metallica may never top their earlier albums, but with a back catalogue this strong they’ll probably never have to.
It may not be fashionable, but this style of metal is alive and well and no one here tonight would have it any other way.