Live Review: WATCH: Touch Sensitive x Ego Instagram Project

8 November 2013 | 12:00 am | Nick Luke
Originally Appeared In

THUMP presents Sydney creative innovators TOUCH SENSITIVE and EGO discussing their VJUKE audio-visual project.

Local Sydney innovators TOUCH SENSITIVE (producer) and EGO (audvio/visualist) have joined forces to bring us their latest creative brainchild #VJUKE, a collaborative effort between the two creators and the world of Instagram. VICE music channel THUMP caught up with the blokes to see how it's all coming together.

In the video, TOUCH SENSITIVE lets us into his small studio, adorned with numerous Future Classic stickers and crowded top to bottom with a wide selection of gear glowing with chrome knobs and blinking LED's. Later joined by AV DJ EGO, the two discuss music making and their #VJUKE project together, as well as giving us a short insight into how they use the studio to create music from Instagram videos.

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The short video follows the team bouncing ideas off one another, swapping ideas for beats and videos for the project, and just being generally cool guys. As this is titled 'episode one' in the video, we can be sure to see more from the dynamic duo and get more of an insight into the construction and execution of the #VJUKE project.

Words by Nick Luke