Live Review: Banoffee pushes the sweet till it's sour in new video for 'Ripe'

17 August 2017 | 7:30 am | Holly O'Neill
Originally Appeared In

In her new video for 'Ripe' Banoffee explores the meaning of her project by pushing her swirling synth sound to its limits, and shows us the real her.

After an international move, synth queen BANOFFEE has returned with a video for her new single 'Ripe'. Signifying a new wave for herself personally and through her music, her move to Los Angeles from Melbourne has brought with it opportunity for a larger scale of her project and more collaborative experiences. With 'Ripe' she's moved outside of her own sounds and the audiences preconceived notions of Banoffee, pushing her synth pop sound to it's saccharine limits until it overflows into sour.

Directed by previous collaborators Coco&Maxamilian, the video shows Banoffee with friends, all sticky with treats dancing in front of unsettling TV shows. It mirrors the futuristic soundscape of the song, as versions of Banoffee appear on every channel alongside the multitude of warped layers of her own voice in the track.

Banoffee's hypnotising soprano floats over the swirling melodies that we're used to hearing from her, and as they lull us into safety she flips the track with mind-bending, trap-style breakdowns. These drops, created with the help of club producer SOPHIE, pit the metallic sounds in contrast to the fluid synths and pads of the floaty verses.

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The appealing colour aesthetic of the video along with traditional elements like backing dancers gives us something we're more familiar with, while the jittery TV Banoffees and her vacant gaze watching them unsettles. Again emphasising the track, we get a little of what we're comfortable with, mixed in with a lot of what we're not. As the song progresses even the main melody starts to feel dissonant to the bass.

With this new release, Banoffee has said she wants to explore more of what the project means, and how it exists outside of herself. In this video on her couch lazing around with a layer of grubby sheen around her mouth, Banoffee's more "dirty, crass personality" is fully realised.