Imbi the Girl is all about a sweetness that still comes with a kick. In honour of that, they've taken us through their top five sour candies.
IMBI THE GIRL is truly shaping up to be one of Australian music's newest trailblazers. Their ability to create impossibly sexy songs and still deliver rubbery, flowing bars is almost unparalleled in Australian music right now. Their new single 'Swell' is absolutely no exception.
It's a vulnerable side to Imbi, but they remain as smooth as ever. The quaint melody radiates a warmth that only Imbi could generate, yet their verses are still delivered with a fire and a strength that we've come to expect from them. It's a sweetness that still comes with a kick. In honour of that, Imbi The Girl has taken us through their top five sour candies.
Sour Skittles
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"I love sour skittles. they were one of my first favourite sour candies and are yet to let me down. i also recently discovered that the different colours do in fact have different flavours ~ always learning and growing ~ sour skittles are the gift that keeps on giving."
Watermelon Sour Patch Kids
"Not only do watermelon sour patch kids have one of the better sour watermelon flavours in the market, but they’re also VEGAN!! If you’re like me and always trying to convince yourself that candy is healthy, saying they’re vegan often helps so I’d say these are the treats for you! (disclaimer they are not healthy)"
Big Baby Pop Sour
"these guys take me back. the combo of hard candy dipping with soft sour sherbert really makes this a sweet not to miss. the hard candy gives you a nice colourful tongue (if you’re into that) and the sherbet (if consumed in large enough quantities) makes your teeth hurt! what a ride."
Trolli Sour Brite Crawlers
"a classic. everyone knows em’, most people love em’ and i am one of those people. i feel like you just can’t go wrong with a classic trolli sour worm, whether it’s intimate slumber parties or long-ass road trips, this shit will get you through."
Warheads Extreme Sour Hard Candy
"if i had to pick one candy to get me through the rest of forever, i would chose these bad boyz without a shadow of a doubt. warheads are my one true love, to the point that i have lost my sense of taste from eating too many too quick on multiple occasions. no regrets but also i don’t recommend doing that."
Image: Supplied
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