Album Review: Timberwolf - Ikaros

24 October 2017 | 3:15 pm | Carley Hall

"... It's what powerful music is capable of and oh so wonderful when one chances upon it."

More Timberwolf More Timberwolf

Timberwolf's debut is a delight.

There's no two ways about it, this highly anticipated, spirited, textural, evocative album creeps up and tickles those hairs on the back of your neck; it's what powerful music is capable of and oh so wonderful when one chances upon it.

His two lyrical-driven, jangly guitar-ridden singles Washed Out and Hold You Up offered more than a taste of what the Adelaidean singer-songwriter can dish out, but Ikaros as a whole takes his yearning wordsmithery (Why Won't You Love Me), blues rock vibes (Silent Game) and surprise nostalgia (Misunderstood) to a new, assured level.