Album Review: The Winter Gypsy - Page 1

1 August 2016 | 4:37 pm | Nic Addenbrooke

"Flitting from whimsy to wistful with the changing of the leaves."

More The Winter Gypsy More The Winter Gypsy

Adelaide indie-folkers The Winter Gypsy give you the impression that they'd like to be considered as fables; forest sprites wandering around with wood-carved instruments, flitting from whimsical to wistful with the changing of the leaves.

Their debut EP Page 1 begins in a delicately sombre way but reveals itself as something far more uplifting, with a mass of intermingling instrumentation that still feels relentlessly chipper even at its lowest ebb. The sextet make the most of the six tracks on offer, perfectly summarising the ethereal, festival-commercial feeling of other genre picks such as Bon Iver or Fleet Foxes.