Putting a new shine on the old.
Remember when Brit-Rock ruled the world? It was massive and the band’s the pioneered it, or at least brought it to the mainstream, spawned a slew of imitators which eventually flooded the market and killed the appeal of the genre, as with most popular waves of anything. The reach spread across the world and the Brit-Rock influence was especially prevalent in a bunch of rock bands here in Australia. Like all popular fads, at some point they will be revived, possibly with a new edge to grab people's interest again.
If there is one band that has a shot at making Brit-Rock popular again, it's The Enemy. Their vocalist sounds enough like a Gallagher to inspire the comparisons and the music has a more modern, aggressive rock edge. Much of this angst can be possibly be put down to the fact that the album, the band's third, was recorded in LA with Joby J. Ford from The Bronx who has given the group their heaviest sound yet.
For a three piece, the band present quite a big sound, on record at least, combining anthemic instrumentation with plenty of melody, staying true to their roots whilst not being afraid to give things a different twist. There are moments where the sound stays very true to how you would expect a British rock band to sound, especially in Like A Dancer, a catchy, radio-friendly offering which manages maintained chaos that your parents would enjoy.
Then there are points where the band let loose, like in opening track Gimme The Sign where the guitars break away from the vocals to amp up the energy, or its follower, Bigger Cages (Longer Chains) which features riffs that are damn near evil. The record's first single, Saturday, is obviously chosen as the first foot forward due to its pub rock sing-a-long appeal and the touches of indie rock akin to Kings Of Leon, spared from too much association however due to the gritty vocals.
This Is Real is a highlight as it slows the pace but offers more punch than any other track as well as the shimmering Get Up And Dance which takes it cues, vocally and musically from U2. The album ends on an energetic stomper called Make A Man which includes some of that British punk rock attitude which was strangely absent during the rest of the record considering how well it suits the group.
Points must be given to The Enemy for blending Brit-Rock's smugness with Punk Rock's attitude so well. People who have never given this band a look before will probably be quite surprised by 'Streets In The Sky,' meaning the band could finally be on to something here, but only time will tell.
1. Gimme The Sign
2. Bigger Cages (Longer Chains)
3. Saturday
4. 1-2-3-4
5. Like A Dancer
6. Come Into My World
7.This Is Real
8. 2 Kids
9. Turn It On
10. It's A Race
11. Get Up And Dance
12. Make A Man