"No-frills, but relentless; the fan who exited the pit with blood streaming down his face likely agreed"
Stylistically, energetic Sydney hit-squad Viscera were an ideal selection to open such an occasion. Their fare was rather derivative, a mélange of classic death metal acts, but afforded an opportunity for pit-favouring punters to warm-up. The Ouroboros camp has been quiet, but this was the fellow Sydneysiders’ second high-profile support in recent weeks and didn’t appear to have conceded momentum. Road-testing new material, the complexities of their death/thrash crafted a grander atmosphere and appreciative response.
Despite marking the third occasion in as many countries that this reviewer has caught Decapitated during the cycle for latest disc, Blood Mantra, each show has felt fresh and vital. Half a decade between visits to these parts, the floor opened up for the Polish tech-death maestros, whose hour on-stage was tighter than a duck’s arse. Exiled In Flesh’s dissonance and Veins’ chugging aggression crackled with immediacy, not to mention slabs of groove. Capping off a set heavily based around recent records and minus much chatter, the venue collectively lost composure for closer, Spheres Of Madness.
The prospect of witnessing Suffocation sans air-chopping, sporadically-touring Frank Mullen and his impenetrable death growl was curious, and his absence, to borrow from Liz Lemon, may have proven a deal-breaker for a few technically proficient extremity devotees. Although lacking such a uniquely imposing presence, Ricky Myers was an able substitution out in front of a strong attendance. The American veterans were razor-sharp (Kevin Talley inhumanly taut behind the kit), and with more slams than the NBA All-Star weekend enhanced mosh violence levels. A career-spanning set-list was required and pulverising stone-cold classics a la Breeding The Spawn, Effigy Of The Forgotten, Liege Of Inveracity and Pierced From Within proved sure-fire winners. Decapitated guitarist Vogg also made a guest appearance. No-frills, but relentless; the fan who exited the pit with blood streaming down his face likely agreed.