Nath Valvo: Almost 30

11 April 2013 | 10:56 am | Belinda Healy

This is a cute, camp, crass and, aside from a few moments where his stories are just a bit too longwinded, very funny and charming performance from the adolescent-looking 29 year old.

In his show 'Almost 30,' Nath Valvo talks so quickly he barely draws a breath.  He looks like he's an adolescent – and is aware of this – making the content of his show all the more fun.

He takes us through some of his milestone birthdays, which all have a common theme – they end in disaster.  From his 18th at Schoolies Week in the Gold Coast, to his Harry Potter themed 21st, the stories are told in detail, the characters brought to life and the disasters cringe-worthy.

He cleverly incorporates members of the audience into the show by inviting them to the stage for activities which could potentially end in disaster.  The direction the show takes depends on their participation and responses.  At these moments, Valvo shows off his quick wit and ad-lib skills.

This is a cute, camp, crass and, aside from a few moments where his stories are just a bit too longwinded, very funny and charming performance from the adolescent-looking 29 year old.

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