Live Review: Matt Corby, RW Grace

11 November 2015 | 4:07 pm | Charmaine de Souza

"Each impressive note was celebrated with a hearty roar from the crowd, with fans swaying and bopping their heads to the chilled-out tunes."

More Matt Corby More Matt Corby

The line outside of Metropolis Fremantle was seemingly never-ending as punters queued up to see former Australian Idol contestant/current indie pop powerhouse Matt Corby in action.

RW Grace was first up for the night. The Perth local emerged from a cloud of billowing smoke and calmly greeted the crowd before launching into a set jam-packed with bluesy goodness. The singer managed to command the stage with nothing more than an electric guitar and her voice; a feat that definitely doesn't come easy to just anyone.

The entire venue erupted into raucous applause at the mere sight of the main event. Matt Corby appeared almost angelic while perched centre stage. A single spotlight washed over him, immediately drawing attention to his long locks — and causing a good portion of the audience to audibly swoon.

The man's entire vibe was effortlessly cool, as he seamlessly transitioned from delicate crooning to turbo-charged wails (with all the right amounts of grit). Rest assured, each impressive note was celebrated with a hearty roar from the crowd, with fans swaying and bopping their heads to the chilled-out tunes in between.

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Resolution's opener was quick to kickstart an epic crowd sing-along, the drum's punchy beat injecting a burst of energy into the previously zen audience. This energy carried on through the remainder of the set, as Corby delved into some of his more upbeat tracks of the night. He busted out an electric guitar halfway through, showing off his riffing skills and — one can only assume — making everyone in the crowd feel just that little bit more inadequate in the talent department.

It wasn't long before a familiar cry of "OOH-ooh-ooh!" spilled out from the stage, piquing the interest of the entire room. The audience burst into cries of ecstasy as the man of the hour performed the song that arguably cemented his post-Idol star status: Brother. As every note dripped from Corby's mouth, it was abundantly clear that the man had painstakingly poured every drop of his heart into his work, laying his soul bare for the entire audience to see. And hey, isn't that exactly how music should be?