"... Waves of cheering, laughter and occasionally fear."
Can an inanimate object (other than Rove) host a comedy-variety show? Turns out that's an unambiguous affirmative, even if silicone host Mac certainly displays passive-aggressive tendencies as he thanks us for coming, reminds us that the show wouldn't be economically viable without us and details his plans for the enslavement of mankind all in a breathless, monotone, text-to-speech delivery.
As with most things in life, things only start to go wrong once people become involved. The flesh and blood performers are varying in quality, but vast props must be proffered on the resourceful David Eriksson, formerly known as the amazing Bald With Balls, whose bravado and uncanny circus skills inspired waves of cheering, laughter and occasionally fear, depending on how you feel about skin-tight hot pink shorts. Equally stunning was the gender-spanning shock and aw-my-god tactics of Jessica McKerlie. Without giving the game away, McKerlie's use of glove puppetry, Taylor Swift and liberal helpings of viscous, presumably edible pastes, will burn permanent images on your mind that won't wash off, no matter how hard you try.