Live Review: LISTEN: Vampire Weekend 'Diane Young'

20 March 2013 | 3:00 pm | Lauren Payne
Originally Appeared In

VAMPIRE WEEKEND recently had their new track 'Diane Young' unveiled in Australia by the wonderful peeps at Triple J, and now there’s a video to match!


WARNING: Many puns present in this article. The world’s favourite indie-rock darlings are back! After releasing their latest album Contra, VAMPIRE WEEKEND have spent most of their time gallivanting around the world touring with all of those wonderful tracks we have come to love like ‘Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa’ and ‘A-Punk’.

Lead singer Ezra Koenig has even made a brief acting debut on HBO’s comedy/drama/who-knows-what show Girls.

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The boys hit Big Day Out in 2013 and have now returned with new material after their world voyage. The new track in question is called ‘Diane Young’ which can be related mainly to death, why? Diane, ever so close to Diane the wonderful Princess we lost, and Di- ane Young. Die Young, see what I mean? VAMPIRE WEEKEND had their new track unveiled in Australia by the wonderful peeps at Triple J, and now there’s a video to match!

The band have brought back their signature polo pop sound (yep, I said that!) with their light guitars and Koenig’s high vocals, The fast-paced beat is perfect for dancing, and the small brake features some funny voice distortion that I’m sure we’ll all enjoy singing along too ones we’ve had too many horchatas (HA!).

The synths have become a lot more present in ‘Diane Young’ which leads us to wonder whether there will be a lot of synths on their upcoming album?

The new LP is called Modern Vampires Of The Day, and it doesn’t have a set release date just yet, but at least we’ve got ‘Diane Young’ now to keep us occupied.

Words by Lauren Payne