Live Review: ‘Hold On’ to your hats; St Albion has arrived and Teischa is along for the ride

28 February 2016 | 3:00 pm | Madeline Kilby
Originally Appeared In

ST ALBION is obviously a magnet for other stunning talents, drawing in the vocal prowess of TEISCHA, and here we have his debut track ‘Hold On’.

And so they mythical, musical playground of Australia breeds yet another musical genius, one that goes by the name of ST ALBION. This mysterious talent is obviously a magnet for other stunning talents, drawing in the vocal prowess of TEISCHA, and here we have his debut track ‘Hold On’.

Very little is known about St Albion, other than being headed up by Sydney based writer and producer Thomas Honeywill. With an EP due out sometime in the near future, it doesn’t seem this is a Sia-esque move, but rather just the way it is for now. Teischa is more known to ears, the Perth born singer was featured on Triple J Unearthed and once you hear that voice, you will get why.

‘Hold On’ opens with some very dark undertones, lightened by some pop-infused bubbly kind of synth. Teischa has a deep and meaningful voice, she is one of those singers who sounds almost like they are reading poetry as she belts out those lyrics. Suddenly the voice is manipulated in that almost demon like way and the whole track changes, as it surges forward with a beat that demands your attention.

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The synth swells in and out, with some much perkier sounding flourishes dropping in and out with it. There is a lot of different sounds moving along with the track, creating something that is like a journey, almost like the changing landscape as you take a cross-country road trip.

‘Hold On’ has a Flume type sound to it, but it’s certainly no clone of his style of music. There is perhaps something very relatable to the music and the lyrics. You aren’t going to bust out fancy footwork to this track, but you are going to put it on repeat. It’s the type of track your ears want to hear when you are winding down, and on the move.

Words by Madeline Kilby