On the eve of Moda Black's Secret Warehouse Party, they released a special warm up mix from lineup member Shadow Child in anticipation of the event.
British record label MODA BLACK recently threw a party. But it wasn't just any sort of music event, it was their Secret Warehouse Party!
Held in the town of Lincoln, punters had to buy a ticket online and then board a free shuttle bus on the night in order to gain access to the secret location. It was here that ticket holders were swallowed up by the space that encouraged diving into a pool of music and lighting, meeting new people and being treated to a lineup made up of a spread of electronic-based talent from RICHY AHMED, SHADOW CHILD, EJECA and Moda's very own JAYMO & ANDY GEORGE; as well as an after party including a set from DARIUS SYROSSIAN.
A day before the event was held, lineup member Shadow Child took the responsibility of providing an excitement boosting/wish-you-were-coming-to-Moda mixtape.
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Featuring a stack of good tunes from those playing the warehouse party [and more], Shadow Child's warm up mixtape hosted a series of tracks, including Guy J's 'Heliscope', Audiojack's "Chemical Rewind" of Homework's 'Ask Yourself' and Mk's "Last Dub" of Michael Jansons' 'Addiction (feat. Mizbee)'.
Shadow Child's Warm Up Mixtape can be downloaded for the very small effort of clicking a button from Moda Black's Soundcloud page!
Words by Hannah Galvin.