Released as part of Multi Culti's four part compilation series, Moon Faze Sun Gaze, lose yourself in Red Axes' contribution, 'Boosh Gdola'.
Israel's, Dori Sadovnik and Niv Arzi make up production duo, RED AXES. Teaming up with the good folk of Multi Culti (a label co-ran by Dreems and Thomas Von Party), the gentlemen have released their track, 'Boosh Gdola', as part of the labels final piece to their four part compilation series, Moon Faze, Sun Gaze.
Gasping for air, a restricted keyline etches into the sonic pavement, resounding politely despite its state of emergency. Persistent in its call, it draws the attention of a distant beat, which soon gravitates nearer as time carries on. Foreign to the victim, an unlikely network of synths, thick bass, denser beats and shimmering percussion further inspect the being; circling the alien of the group as they trustingly allow such a newcomer to act as the principle melody of their union.
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Commissioned by the intriguing, independent chant of a transcendent deity, our melody eventually settles into its skin; experimenting with different variations of execution as the influence of this idiosyncratic conglomerate matures.
Instigating community in an unlikely place, 'Boosh Gdola' balances an open-mind in accepting the introvert.
Red Axes', 'Boosh Gdola' is to be released on Moon Faze II - the fourth and final EP instalment of the Moon Faze Sun Gaze series, compiled and released by Multi Culti. Moon Faze II can be streamed now, and will be available to purchase next Monday, 9th May. Pre-order the entire Moon Faze Sun Gaze boxset HERE.
Words by Hannah Galvin.